Summer Miles and Missing Friends

I'm so happy it's summer break, the past few weeks of the spring semester were a little brutal! Summer brings time with friends and family, much-needed vacations, building up miles for cross-country season, and no school. Well, not as much school! It's been nice settling in back home with Clementine, my new kitten, and getting to hang out with my fiancé more. I have quickly learned that my other cats aren't keen on Clementine, but I have no doubt they will be pals by the end of the summer.

As exciting as all of this is, it also means missing my college friends! Going three weeks without seeing my teammates and best friends has been difficult since I'm used to seeing them every day and doing almost everything with them. Thankfully, I live in the age of smartphones and we have a jam-packed summer of things together! 

One thing I look forward to is mini-camp with my cross-country team. We host one in June and July every summer. It's a fun way to check in on everyone's summer training, work out together, and meet new teammates. Sadly, this is still a few weeks away and I will be missing the June mini-camp. Until then, I will keep on training and eating great food! 

This week marked my first week of cross-country mileage after a two-week break from the best track season (hey Alexa, play "We Are the Champions" by Queen) and the start of summer classes. So far, I have run a total of 11 miles and will maybe hit 23 by Sunday. This is still a good chunk of running, but by the end of the summer, I will be hitting 55 miles during high weeks! Sometimes it can be hard to get going with training since you no longer run every day with your training partners, so I find the occasional treat to be encouraging. After my Wednesday run, I went to Smoothie King and got the peanut butter plus smoothie and it was amazing, definitely made my run worth it!


Besides starting running, I was thrilled to also start classes on Tuesday. However, I'm still trying to get a routine down. In addition to social media, I'm taking microeconomics and finance. Hopefully, my cats, snacks, running, and classes will be enough to keep me from missing friends too much, otherwise, I'm in for a long summer!

That's all I have for now,



  1. Abby, your excitement about summer break is contagious! It sounds like you have an amazing balance of fun and productivity ahead. I'm glad to hear you have time to relax and enjoy being home with your new kitten, Clementine—I'm sure the other cats will warm up to her soon!
    It's great that you're keeping up with your cross-country training despite the break. Hitting 55 miles a week by the end of summer is impressive! Mini-camp sounds like an awesome way to stay connected with your teammates and keep each other motivated. And Smoothie King after a run? Definitely a well-deserved treat!
    Starting classes during the summer is definitely a lot to juggle, but it seems like you have a good plan with your studies and running schedule. Microeconomics and finance are no small feat, but I’m sure you'll do great! I hope you continue to have a fantastic summer full of miles, memories, and maybe a few more delicious smoothies. Can't wait to stay updated with your adventures!

  2. Reading about your summertime escapades was delightful! You seem to have a busy and well-rounded summer planned, with a perfect mix of relaxation, lessons, and training. It's good to read that you're continuing your cross-country training program and indulging in well-earned treats like the delicious smoothie you mentioned. I hope your summer classes go well; cause I can tell you mine are killing me. you'll get into a pattern quickly. Continue to make the most of your summer and enjoy spending time with friends and family!


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