Bears, Beets and Bagels

This week has been so busy and overwhelming, for good reasons, but it has made my schedule very difficult to follow. I’ve fallen behind on a few things- as fun as social media is, summer classes are no joke. And now I’m behind on some things, which is on me, but I’m hopeful that this week I can be a lot better with school and get a routine down. It at least will be a lot more relaxing and fun working on blog posts and live tweeting from the shores of Key West this week! 

This week has been so long. I had to get ready for vacation and had a ton of other things going on, but I was able to see some friends and family so it made a stressful week worth it. I was so excited to see my fellow bears and got to run with some of them Saturday morning. I also got to spend a good chunk of time with my high school best friend this week which is always great. We had lots of coffee trips and adventures. One of my favorite things to do with Sierra is go to the local coffee shop right up the street from my house. Das Kaffeehaus is a local gem, one reason going to school back in Ada can stink (the only other reasons are being away from my cats and family because who couldn’t love ONU). 

Sourced from Yelp

I enjoy going when I’m home from school so I can use my punch card and get a delicious bagel while studying or working on something else. I think I would make up an assignment if it meant I had an excuse to go get Das, their asiago bagels are amazing. When you get them, they are perfectly warm and soft with a crunchy shell. There is so much cheese in the middle, that it would make a lactose-intolerant person tremble unless you’re me. You just then live with the consequences of your actions because life is too short to be deprived of such delicious goodies or ice cream.

I could go on and on about all the great bagels I had this week. I had a Lox bagel this Tuesday and another bagel Thursday morning in addition to the one I had when I got coffee with Sierra, so many bagels and not one complaint! I think I like a nice Lox bagel more than an asiago, but it isn’t an everyday kind of bagel. I think I have rambled on enough about being tired and bagels, until next week! It is my goal to find a great bagel here in Miami or Key West. I will not leave until I am successful!

That's all I have for now,



  1. Reading about your week was so much fun! You did such a great job juggling everything despite your busy schedule, and you even found time for some delectable bagel adventures. I'm sure you'll discover some incredible bagels in Miami and Key West, so good luck with your search! Continue your fantastic effort!


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