Live Tweeting with Polydactl Cats

I'm very new to Twitter, well, X. In fact, I had to create an account for this assignment and had to ask for help learning how to use the app! I've learned a few things from this experience and using X for the first time. I first learned that your feed is very curated to the things you find interesting. I didn’t spend too much time picking stuff I wanted to see when creating my account because my focus was on the assignment but after a quick selection of interests, that filled my feed even if I only followed one account. This was new to me, my experience with social media pertains to Instagram and Facebook. With these platforms, your feed is filled with content from people you follow and the occasional promoted post. 

The second thing I learned is that anyone can see your posts. This is true if you have a public account on any social media, but often people only see them if they go searching for your content. On X, if your tweet is relevant to what someone is interested in they can see your post!  I thought this was cool because it would be a good way to find your audience and followers. Now for talk about live tweeting!

As this was my first time using X, let alone live tweeting, it was an odd experience for me! It felt weird writing about what I heard or learned in the middle of the event I attended. While we could use a webinar for this assignment since I am in Key West, I wanted to take a shot at live tweeting an event that I attended in person, The Hemingway House & Museum Tour. I was looking forward to this event all week and had to postpone attending to today because of storms. It was well worth the wait! 

Throughout the tour, I learned so much more about Ernest Hemingway, the famous author. Not only was he a famous writer but he boxed, was in the military, and owned tons of cats! I was glad that I chose this as something to live tweet because I enjoyed the experience and had information I could share on my account as I heard it. I will say though, it is hard to live-tweeting something with so much information. That was one thing I struggled with. X gives you a character limit, so it was hard to feel informational and that I was sharing enough. Other than this, I enjoyed the experience and look forward to trying it again in the future! 

That's all I have for now,



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