Pinterest: There’s More to It Than My Current Aesthetic

This week for class I read about marketing with Pinterest. I’m pretty familiar with the app, I’ve had it since the sixth grade! Over the years, what I used it for changed. I used to create boards with my dream wedding aesthetic (which changed drastically from the sixth grade to college) to school outfit ideas. I love using it all of the time! I have plenty of boards now, basically, I create one for every new idea I have or whatever new life aesthetic I want. 

While I have a lot of experience using the app, I’ve honestly not thought much of the marketing you could do with it! In my experiences as a social media intern and with things I have discussed in certain classes, I feel that Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok are the channels I know most about when it comes to marketing. So, this week’s reading was interesting and insightful to me! Not only did I learn how people use Pinterest for marketing, but I also learned about functions of the app I didn’t even know about or the technical names for what I am familiar with.

Some features that are new to me include Try On Product pins and the Takes pins. With Try On Product pins, brands create pins featuring a product and allow you to virtually try it on such as makeup or a brand’s latest clothing line. The Takes pins will enable you to show your attempt at an idea or recipe. These types of pins can be great for businesses to use for further promotion of their products outside of the standard pins on Pinterest!

I also enjoyed learning about how brands create boards for their target audience. Typically, I only think of users creating boards and saving pins to them of their ideas and future. But it makes a lot of sense that brands would create boards of inspiration to show off how their products could be used. In this chapter in our reading, we learned a lot about strategizing Pinterest for marketing purposes. Whether it's using standard pins or Take pins, creating a board of your product in its true form, or creating pins for people to save, there’s a lot you can do with this social media channel for your business! 

That’s all for now,



  1. Your journey with Pinterest from dreaming about wedding aesthetics to exploring school outfit ideas is so relatable! It's great to hear how your use of the platform has evolved over the years. I totally get what you mean about not initially considering Pinterest for marketing despite being a longtime user—I had a similar experience before diving into this week's reading. Learning about Try On Product pins and Takes pins sounds really cool! It's amazing how Pinterest is expanding its features to include interactive elements like virtual product try-ons and idea demonstrations. These innovations really open up new possibilities for businesses to engage with their audiences in creative ways. I agree, the idea of brands creating boards for their target audience is such a smart approach. It's like curating inspiration directly tailored to potential customers' interests and needs. This chapter really did show how powerful Pinterest can be as a marketing tool. Thanks for sharing your insights! It's really cool to hear how you're exploring the broader marketing potential of Pinterest alongside more traditional social media channels like Instagram and TikTok.


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