Target Runs and Ada Friend Fun

When I say that I am so excited for this week and weekend, it is an understatement! I have been looking forward to it for a few weeks and now it is finally here! Between vacations and crazy events, I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with my friends. But it all changes this week! Thursday, I am grabbing brunch with my best friend, it has been a few weeks since I saw her so I am so excited! Scramblers isn’t ready for us. Then, this weekend I get to go back to Ada for the first time since the end of May!

While I won’t be living in Ada again until August, I am slowly moving things into my apartment. This Friday, my mom and I are driving up to start cleaning and moving things. I think we can get everything but furniture in this weekend and can start creating my Pinterest Board dream apartment. This has meant a lot of Target and Homegoods runs (not complaining, I love getting a coffee and shopping there for big girl stuff haha) for cute decor and other items. My mom will be going back home after helping me move in stuff, but I will get to stay the weekend up there and spend it with my Ada besties!

On Saturday morning, a group of us are going for a run. This will be so nice since it has been about a month of running by myself and I’ve missed my teammates. Then, later in the evening, we are going to a place called Flighthouse where we plan to get food and play a bunch of games. It will be a busy, but fun day! I will head home Sunday morning, but am excited to have a small glimpse into living in Ada again. I wish I lived closer to my college friends, but the distance makes seeing them even sweeter! I plan to spend the rest of my week finishing up coursework and packing up things for my apartment. I love decorating, cooking and baking so I cannot wait to have my own place. Looking forward to spending my last year of college with my best friends and enjoying Ada for a little longer!

That's all I have for now,



  1. Looking forward to hearing about your fun weekend, I can tell from your blogs how close you are to your friends! Ready to read the next blog post following this week.


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