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Target Runs and Ada Friend Fun

When I say that I am so excited for this week and weekend, it is an understatement! I have been looking forward to it for a few weeks and now it is finally here! Between vacations and crazy events, I haven’t been able to spend a lot of time with my friends. But it all changes this week! Thursday, I am grabbing brunch with my best friend, it has been a few weeks since I saw her so I am so excited! Scramblers isn’t ready for us. Then, this weekend I get to go back to Ada for the first time since the end of May! While I won’t be living in Ada again until August, I am slowly moving things into my apartment. This Friday, my mom and I are driving up to start cleaning and moving things. I think we can get everything but furniture in this weekend and can start creating my Pinterest Board dream apartment. This has meant a lot of Target and Homegoods runs (not complaining, I love getting a coffee and shopping there for big girl stuff haha) for cute decor and other items. My mom will be going bac

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